Brigid's Flame: Awakening the Spirit of the Celtic Lands Within You

I woke the other week to the sight of Brigid standing before me. I sat up with a start and asked why she was there.

She didn’t reply, but held her steady gaze upon me.

That gaze was as still as the flame she was holding.

It was the eve of Brigid’s Day. Her day. Marking the turning of the seasons from Winter Solstice into Imbolg. The changing of the goddesses from Cailleach to Brigid.

“You’re early”, I said.

Still, she didn’t reply.

That flame she was cradling appeared to get bigger. Expanding in the palm of her hands. Mesmerising my awakening eyes.

“I don’t know if I’m ready for the glow of your fire”, I said. “I like the darkness you see. Can I stay here a bit longer, in this warm winter womb, in this place of relative safety?”

With that, she sparked to life.

Her flame now surrounding her. She was silhouetted in the brightest of light.

She took a step towards me and began to recite:

“I have held this flame for eons for you. Since time began. This flame is an ancient being of pure elemental fire. I stand before you today to remind you of this flame. It is indeed a flame of remembrance.”

She continued:

“This is my time”, she said. “The threshold time of Brigid. We're stepping into Tara and continuing to seed this new earth.”

She handed the flame to me. It became a tiny spark which felt warm in the palm of my hand.

“Nurture this flame.

Connect with this flame.

Feed it with your desire.

Feel this flame.

Dance this flame.

Honour your inner fire.”

And with that, she was gone.

Brigid is one of the first goddesses whose energies I began feeling many years ago. She is such a powerful space holder as keeper of the sacred flame. As triple goddess, she represents many aspects of who we are becoming. Her energies are so very strong at this time. When she visited me last week, I knew I had to take heed.

Because of this,

I'm delighted to invite you to join my newest writing series


Brigid's Flame:

Awakening the Spirit of the Celtic Lands Within You

 Watch my webinar here where I speak about Brigid.

For 21 weekdays (starting on 15 Feb 2023), with Brigid holding space with her flame, I will delve into topics such as:

·       Irish mythology from my lived experience of growing up in Ireland and walking upon these sacred Irish lands

·       The impact of Irish Emigration

·       The potato famine – the great hunger

·       The loss, grief and pain that is still held within these lands

·       Healing the Colonial Wound and the curse it’s placed upon our lands

·       Excavating the truth of Ireland’s ancient wisdom for modern times

·       The land of Ireland as our teacher

·       And who knows what else will want to come through!


Join me in this free writing series where I write to you over the next 21 weekdays. We begin on 15 February 2023.

Register for free here in order to receive these daily emails straight to your inbox.

Allow yourself to open to the spirit of the Celtic lands that wishes to awaken within you.

Le grá / with love,

Eimear xxx