Sweet Magdalena

Today, 24 February, is the 29th anniversary of my father's death.

This poem emerged from him through me for you.

His name was Arthur, Art for short.

Read the poem below or watch me recite it live by clicking here (with a little visit from my dog Riley!).

Magdalene speaks:

His final word.

His final breath.

Resting now.

Lest we forget.

From Mount Carmel hospital

to Mount Venus grave.

Dublin mountains,

Art The Brave!


Death to life.

A visitation

Late one night.

My disbelief turned to grief

In that moment,


I knew you were gone.

You teach me now,

your earthen daughter.

You bless me with

your holy waters

of wisdom, knowledge,

ancient teachings.

These are the prayers

from all his preachings.

I feel your presence

Stronger than ever

I love you deeper

Now and forever.

19 years

we lived together

at home in Dublin

whatever the weather!

Together we’ll write

the book from our hearts.

Divine father,

holy child.

Egyptian mysteries

Magdalene sisters

Cathars, Essenes

and of course the witches!

Filling the gaps

of what was omitted.

Correcting the distortions

of what was scripted.

Stuck souls thawed

with dragons breath.

Released, healed

home to source.

Emerald hearts shall rise again.

Five months after your final breath,

You saved me from undoubtable death.

So with my breath of life I speak

of resurrection. We’re diving deep!

Into the mysteries,

wisdom and gnosis.

Resurrecting the truth

of what was stolen.

Art responds:

With golden crown

and wings of Isis

I Knight you now

Sweet Magdalena.

Priestess, witch, holy daughter.

Resurrection Teachings.

You are the sorcerer.

Dissolving density.

Ascending consciousness.

Born anew.

Rebirth young daughter.

5D Tara.

7D Gaia.

Return to love.

Your heart’s desire.

In the temple of Dendera,

Mother Mary, Hathor, Isis,

Here we wait

for you.

Brigid’s Flame: Magdalene flame.

Your inner flame

That guides forever.

We are the Magdalenes.

We’re back together!

All that was suppressed,


resting on unlikely altars.

Reclaim that gnosis.

Tabernacle flung wide open.

Now reclaim what was stolen.

Golden chalice, water, wine,

his bread; my body,

all that’s divine.

We come in peace,

to correct the story

We come in glory.

We are the story.

Yeshua walked

upon these lands.

Apostles dear,

reach out your hand.

Magdalene sisters,

blood red.

Resurrecting souls,

living and dead.

Be not afraid,

I go before you.

Divine Fathers,

we adore you.

Follow me.

Home to source

Follow the flame.

Eye of Horus.

Cruxification wasn’t that pleasant.

Humanity’s deepest darkest oppression.

Power over or source connection?

Please pay very careful attention.

We are here.

We hold the flame.

The way of the rose

Golden grail.

Inner union

with the mysteries.

Golden rose.


Magdalene sisters

Surround you now.

Step forth. Be brave.

Sweet Magdalena.

Join me in lighting a candle today for Art and all who have lost loved ones to the spirit world. Brigid's flame burns bright in their memory.

This is day 8 of 21 days of writing exploring Brigid’s Flame: Awakening the Spirit of the Celtic Lands Within You. You can still register for free by clicking here.

Join us for more magic and sorcery at the in-person Witches Rise Up Equinox Retreat Scotland 2023. Connect to your innate magic by awakening the Spirit of The Celtic Lands Within You.

Click here to find out more.

Le grá / with love,

Eimear x