Your soul has a unique voice and resonance.

This unique voice and resonance of your soul tells you your truth of the path that you are meant to follow.

  • Do you wish to address and heal karmic patterns across soul incarnations and timelines?

  • Do you yearn to commune with the voice of your soul to understand who you truly are?

  • Are you stuck in a deep rut that you have no idea how to dig yourself out of?

  • Are you frozen at a crossroads in your life or career not knowing which path to take?

  • Do you wish to co-create a definitive plan of action and next steps, aligned with your soul now?

We all need help and support along the way, especially those of us who know we are here in this life with definite soul missions that we contracted to return to earth to action, now at this time.

Eimear Stassin is offering 1:1 Soul Based Coaching Sessions

Soul Based Coaching sessions offer catalytic transformation from the inside out to support you to:

  • Step onto your truest soul path

  • Rediscover your unique sacred soul story that is waiting to be unearthed, witnessed and alchemised into divine action

  • Address and heal karmic patterns that keep you stuck in a place of inertia

  • Shine the light on the parts of you laying dormant that wish to be expressed and anchored onto earth now

    This your time to step out of the shadows into your divine light.

    To fully claim all of who you are.

    To be the leader that you came here to be.

    To weave your dreams into reality now.

    Eimear offers 3 ways to work with her to support you in what you would like to have happen now.

    Read on for further details.

Soul Based Coaching Sessions follows the trail of your soul’s calling where you are held and witnessed within the sacred chalice container that we create for you.

Your soul knows you better than anyone else can.

With this way of coaching, we open space for your soul to speak and commune with you through language, metaphor, symbols, codes and frequencies. We dive deep into the very fabric and patterning of your own reality so that you can co-create the changes in your life that your soul knows you need to make.

Change happens easefully, with grace and in very magical ways that consistently surprise all of us. Change happens organically before, during and after our coaching sessions. Change happens creatively in exactly the way it is meant to for you.

We start with the question:

What would you like to have happen?

I guide you through a framework for change to ensure that you are fully equipped to walk your soul path and live out your soul story.

You chose to be here at this time to support the ascension of our earth.

Are you ready to fully reclaim your soul fragments by calling all of your soul parts home to heal back to wholeness so that you can fulfill your mission here (and receive clarity on exactly what that is!)?

If your intuitive response is a YES! then this way of coaching is for you!

Choose from

6, 3 & 2 month Transformational Programs or the VIP Package

Remember your sacred story and create the changes in your life that you wish to make now

with Eimear Stassin

 Option 1: GOLD

Shine Your Radiant Light with Queen Maebh


 Option 2: SILVER

Ignite Your Inner Fires with Triple Goddess Brigid


Option 3: BRONZE

Tend Your Fertile Soul Seeds with Goddess Bóinn


The Cailleach Witch

Ask about the VIP Package

As creator of the Celtic Lands, The Cailleach Witch helps you strip away the lies to reveal the truth of who you really are.

Do you want to have a chat with Eimear to see which package is the right option for you?

Then you can book a complimentary discovery call with Eimear by emailing her below.

Client Testimonials

Watch these client testimonial videos below of magic, appreciation and catalytic transformation on their unique soul paths.

Throat Chakra Healing

Listen to how my client healed and became free from a lifetime of being imprisoned.

“It feels like I’ve been truly able to express myself from different angles. In and out and out there and then we came back in. This process has so many different layers. "

It enabled me to be myself. To be kind to myself. To make sure that I have protection all around me so this new place that I’m now in has the chance to grow.”

2 weeks on: “I have been feeling a freedom about who I am.

I feel that I have a strength within if someone challenges my beliefs.

I shall be interested to see how this continues...”

Deeply Healing her Self-Worth Soulfully

“Within 10 minutes I had some really profound realisations in relation to a lifelong issue. That was so deeply healing. It was incredible!”

Watch and listen to my recent client’s “profound and deeply healing” experience with Soul-based Transformation sessions.

Letting Go of Resistance the Soul Based Coaching Way

My client wanted to just let go of the resistance, the struggle and the self-doubt. She had had enough.

"She wanted to let go of all of that resistance, the struggle, the self-doubt. To just breathe and let it all go."

"It felt really significant and powerful."

Catalytic Support for the Next Stage of Life

“Soul based Coaching allows you to surprise yourself in your thinking. To realise that you have got the answers but you just need to let different parts of your brain think about it.”

“I feel much more confident that I have a plan about how to go forward.”

“There is freedom waiting for you,
On the breezes of the sky,
And you ask "What if I fall?"
Oh but my darling,
What if you fly?”

- Erin Hanson

Clarity & A Plan of Action Beyond the Career Crossroads

“Soul Based Coaching is very different to any other types of coaching that I have experienced in my life. The sessions helped me get the clarity I wanted at a career crossroads.

Within 2 weeks of the sessions, I had a job in a new field and I’m still exploring the other paths and options that came up in the coaching. 

It’s been really enlightening and helpful for me with where I was in my career.”

- Caroline