The Golden Grail: The Rise of the Magdalene Witches Summer Solstice Soul Gathering 2023

“We made a pact to return.

With teachings intact,

collectively we rise

to complete our golden grail promise.”

Dear Reader,

I've being holding something close to my heart. Something that's being unfurling since the divine spark of inspiration ignited within me, with the help of Brigid's Flame at Imbolg.

You most likely already know of my witch awakening experiences since that fateful day on 8-8-2020 of my descent into Edinburgh's dungeons. Going on mock trial by that wig wearing judge on his wooden pulpit. Him armed with his wooden hammer. Me infused with a deep soul knowing that this time, in this life, I will not be burnt at the stake for upholding this great lore of my divine truth. No, no, no.

The resultant trilogy of WITCH summits brought deep witch healing in 2020; a collective witch rising in 2021 AND a global reclamation of The Round Table Portal & Throne in 2022.

Now, in 2023, it is with my greatest honour and pleasure to invite you to this, my 5th Global Online Event called

The Golden Grail:

The Rise of the Magdalene Witches

Summer Solstice Soul Gathering

~ Where emerald crystal hearts merge with golden resonance, resurrecting our divine spark within ~

16 - 21 June, 2023

You can find out more and join The Golden Grail: The Rise of the Magdalene Witches Summer Solstice Soul Gathering 2023 by clicking here to register for free.

I created this trailer for you where I speak about my inspiration for this soul gathering event. Watch it by clicking here to feel the energy of what I and 25 other speakers are calling forth within the golden grail chalice container in the name of Magdalene Witch.

This is now our time.

The time of the Magdalene Witch to reclaim all that was stolen and locked in golden tabernacle.

Our bread,

our blood,

our wisdom and gnosis.

Reclaiming what was always ours in the first place. They had no right to strip us of our treasures.

These, our golden Magdalene codes held within the wisdom of our eternal soul.

We are calling all these soul parts home to heal back to wholeness in this greatest reunion of all - this soul epic soul gathering event.

The golden grail portal is now open.

Come, step inside and join this unique online event for free, infused with deep Magdalene Witch love and fierce

Rebalancing the scales back to harmonious equilibrium whilst resting back into our new earth called 5D Tara.

So I am calling on you as Magdalene Witch, Mystic, Priest, Priestess, Sorcerer and Druid. Great weavers of golden Christos light.

Gather your golden threads to spin our collective webs. We are weaving ourselves anew.

There is no cost to attend this soul gathering.

Simply register for FREE by clicking here.

When you register, you’ll receive the event schedule and joining details directly to your email inbox. We begin on 16 June with my LIVE opening ceremony and talk at 6pm UK time, BST.

I can't wait to join global forces with you.

Le grá / with love,

Eimear Stassin​
Your Soul Gathering Creator & Host

PS: This year’s amazing line-up of soulful speakers are:

Annemiek Van Helsdingen Live, Alegna Moss, Aletheia Pistis Sophia, Amantha Murphy, Cali White, Cheryl Prince Live, Danielle Rama Hoffman, Denise Alamo & LuLu Live, Dottie Lamoureux Live, Elizabeth Bercovici, Indigo Angel, Jane Burns, Janet Connor, Jennifer Connolly, Jocelyn Star Feather, Kate Ballo, Laura Eisenhower, Marguerite Rigoglioso, PhD, Mary McLaughlin, PhD, Peggy Reeder Moore, Phoenix Popiolek, Tash Mitch, Tayria Ward, PhD, Veronica Goodchild, PhD, Wyn Tyrie and your summit creator and host, Eimear Stassin Live.

PPS: Here are some of our Trailblazing Topics:

  • The Golden Grail: The Rise of the Magdalene Witches - HerStory

  • Redefining Witch

  • Lemurian Implants

  • The Return of the Cathars

  • Righting and Retrieving your Souls Story - Rebirthing the Earth through Soul Sovereignty rather than Sacrifice

  • Manifesting Multidimensional Abundance with Magdalene Energy

  • Raising The Red Flag

  • Becoming the Living Magdalene

  • Sacred Sexual Abundance

  • FIRE & ROSES ~ Walking the Path of the Red Witch Priestess

  • The Ancestral Irish Keen

  • Goddess Trees of the Celts and the Gift of the Great Song

  • Journeying to a Time Before the Great Woundings ~ Opening Portals of Light & Remembrance

  • The Magdalene Mysteries and the Path of the Blue Rose: How the Celestial Grail Codes are helping us to Awaken today

  • Eden and the Quest for the Holy Grail

  • The Historic Magdalene

PPPS: You can join The Golden Grail: The Rise of the Magdalene Witches Summer Solstice Soul Gathering 2023 by clicking here to register for free.