Grandparents John & Hannah
My grandfather, John, was a Blacksmith. A Farrier. A gentle man with a gift for the horses and a great mind for business.
John was my dads dad. He died in the 1960's long before I was born. The forge where he worked was just down the road from their family home where my father grew up in the village of Timoleague, West Cork.
"Built in 1900" is still etched onto the stone chimney.
My granny Hannah, John's wife and my dads mother, had a singer sewing machine. The kind where you had to push on the wrought iron pedal to power it up. I remember her as a stern woman, but that might just be from the black and white photos that we have of her - having your photo taken was a serious business!
During a shamanic journey a while ago, John and Hannah stepped forth. Granny Hannah showered my etheric body with holy water and salt to aid my healing. Then John stepped forth and handed me his hammer and anvil.
"What am I meant to do with these granddad?", I asked.
"These are yours now. It's up to you to use these tools to continue on your path.", he responded. "Call on us to support you in your healing and business."
And with that, they were gone.
When I went on mock trial for being a witch, on 8:8:2020, it was the wig wearing judge armed with his wooden hammer that got me going. When he sentenced me to death for being a witch, under the Scottish Witchcraft Act of 1563, that spontaneously ignited a flame of remembrance within me. Erupting my divine NO. No more. It was the place where I finally drew my boundary line.
Little did I know back then how this journey, this witch initiation, would unfold! There was something about the witches hammer and reclaiming it's true meaning.
My grandfather's forge fell to wrack and ruin and is long gone now. I don't know where that singer sewing machine is now either.
However I have been gifted the hammer and anvil to forge new paths. To lead the way.
The hammer is in our hands now.
It's all of ours to reclaim this witches hammer of divine justice.
And with all of that, I have more exciting news for you!
Cheryl Prince of 5D Theatre and I have just launched our next collaborative event called The Witches Wheel at Winter Solstice. It's taking place on 21st December 2023 over this next very powerful portal. During this live online workshop, I will be sharing the story of The Dungeons and The Judge calling on all in attendance to reclaim the witches hammer of divine justice now. It's time.
Click here to find out more and to purchase your ticket.
I've also created a short playlist with the first five stages of my witch awakening. Click here to dive in to these sacred stories and activating poems.
Lots of love to you on your divine path of awakening.
Eimear xx
Eimear Stassin
Sacred Storyteller & Earth Witch
Photo: John & Hannah