Silver Soul Based Coaching Package

with Triple Goddess Brigid 

3-Month 1:1 Transformational Program

~ Ignite Your Inner Fires & Rebirth Yourself Anew ~

  • An initial 1.5 hour visioning and clarity session – receive full clarity on your big picture vision where you most wish to focus your attention on this 3 month journey (knowing that this can change over the course of our work together)

  • 6 1-hour sessions – fully customised to support you exactly as you would like on the topics and areas that you need most in your life and for your path, relating to your big vision

  • Email in between sessions held within this 3 month transformational container

  • Bespoke assigned homework in order to integrate and embody Triple Goddess Brigid who will also support you in the changes that you wish for

  • Stories & poetry channeled by Eimear about Triple Goddess Brigid to support your journey of ignition and rebirth

This program calls forth your investment in your unique silver to ignite the sacred flame of Brigid once again within you. - These sessions will open you up to your quantum and cosmic nature as well as gifting you the space for your soul to speak. You will receive feelings of empowerment, ease and inspiration as you receive clarity in order to step into your dreams and to take the soul aligned action.

You are so supported in magical and sacred ways.


Your investment:

Regular pay in full price:

£1,149 when paid in full

A 3 month instalment plan is also available upon request.


Do you want to have a chat with Eimear to see if this package is the right option for you? Then you can book a complimentary discovery call with Eimear by emailing her below.

I look forward to working with you and witnessing your growth, transformation and blossoming as you reclaim your sacred silver through Brigid’s timeless flame.

With love,

Eimear x