Honouring Brigid at Her Threshold
Online Gathering Replay
Imbolg Eve
Friday, 31 January 2025
Brigid the Brehon; Brigid the Baird.
Keeper of the sacred flame.
Holy well-water maiden.
Smithcrafter of ancient new lore.
Her bell rings loud with clarity,
with deep resonance renewed.
“Honour me at my threshold,
remember my ancient ways.
Let go of old versions of me
so new transmissions may flow.
I have so much to share, dear child.
Deep gnosis that’s ready now to be told.”
Walk with me along Brigid’s Way which too is the Magdalene Way.
Follow the flicker of Brigid’s flame as the Magdalene’s flame of pure truth.
The veils are lifting, lifting, lifting,
allowing access to vast libraries of wisdom.
Wisdom that has been held secret and sacred
until now.
Beneath the mounds,
within Her fire temple,
the wisdom lies dormant, waiting
to be activated.
Sparking back to life with joy, an aliveness of old.
Propelling you forward on your sacred path.
Soul stories as yet untold.
Connect with your soul gold.
Allow the magic to unfold.
Many a secret lies waiting,
Held safe within Her blazing heart
in sacredness
for you.
Online gathering outline:
The Flame: Ceremonial opening & lighting of the sacred flame
The Threshold: Passing of the torch from Cailleach to Brigid where all that no longer serves must go
Sacred Storytelling: Brigid as elemental alchemist, truthkeeper and storyweaver shares her wisdom with you through sacred stories from Eimear
Meditation Journey: Honouring Brigid at Her Threshold
Co-Create with Brigid: Soul Journalling enquiry
Sacred circle sharing
*Please note that this outline may change if Brigid requests as such!
Come, gather around the primordial fires
Honouring Brigid at Her Threshold
Online Gathering Replay
Imbolg Eve
31 January 2025
Upon purchasing your ticket, you’ll receive an email with the replay links in downloadable video and audio format, and other information on how to honour Brigid, to enjoy!
The Changing of the Seasons from Winter Solstice to Imbolg
(in the Northern Hemisphere)
It’s the time of the changing of the seasons as the Wheel of the Year turns from Winter Solstice to Imbolg. A time to begin the emergence out of the darkness and slowly into the strengthening light. The Cailleach Witch of Winter Solstice has supported her divine children to let go and let die all that is weighing heavy on our hearts. All that no longer serves.
With that letting go, we can prepare for the new dawn of Imbolg.
Slowly does it, they urge as both The Cailleach Witch and Brigid join forces at this threshold time.
Imbolg means “in the belly of”. All that has seeded and gestated from Samhain to Winter Solstice to now…what is gestating within your womb of creativity at this time? What is almost ready to be born anew?
Join us for this sacred online gathering on the eve of Imbolg in full reverence and honouring of Brigid at Her threshold.
I’m excited to share all that wishes to flow through with deep gratitude to Brigid and you!
I ngrá agus síocháin / in love and peace,
Eimear x
Brigid’s Blessing
May you forge your flame from the fires.
May you drink from my eternal well source.
May you gather outside my temples.
May you heed these words as divine spells.
May you walk with me over the threshold.
Over the bridges that connect.
May you dance with me at the crossroads.
And remember me with deep respect.
Brigid & The Cailleach paintings by Margaret McKenna www.celticmyths.ie
Photos: Taken by Eimear Stassin on her Irish ramblings
Words: Written by Eimear Stassin during inspired moments