**Enrolment is closed for this program.**

Lead Like a Magdalene Witch


Reclaim Your Golden Grail Soul Treasures

6-Month Online Program

20 Jul 2023 – 11 Jan 2024

Lughnasadh – Winter Solstice

“Take them to the heart of Tara.

The heart of the rose.

The emerald crystalline heart of Tara

is the way of the rose.”

Eimear and The Magdalene Witches are calling on you:

  • Torch holders leading the way, blazing a trail to Tara, 5D New Earth Consciousness

  • Witches, Magdalenes, Mystics, Priests and Priestesses on the spiral spiritual path

  • Healers, gnostics, wise ones and midwives ready for their next level of healing and ascension

  • Light and shadow workers yearning to dive deeper into the primordial womb of The Mother than ever before

  • Great seers, oracles and divine beings connected to source truth

  • Searchers and wanderers who feel cast out of everyday society

  • If you are part of the tapped in collective consciousness leading the way to unity consciousness and oneness

  • Who is not afraid (or is and goes in anyway!) to go into the places that you most fear to retrieve lost gifts as treasures for this life

Now is the time to forge your own path along the Magdalene Witch trail. The map is yours to create now when you lead in the Magdalene Witch way.

Wherever you are on your journey through life, I meet you where you are as a bridgewalker, walking with you like The Magdalene Witches do, home to love source: source love.

Leadership power fuelled by love.

The time is ripe. The time is right. Now is the hour to reclaim your power.

Let go of the old ways, stories and myths.

Unhook from all you know or think you know.

The time is now to step into the mysteries.

The unknown.

We’re here to walk with you.

You are and were never alone.

Sons and daughters of the moon.

We’re building new temples alongside the old

for the new ways to birth - these ways of gold.

5D birthing temples of pure magic

drawing on ancient ways before the fall.

Before the reversals and direct inversions.

Within these temples, we connect to pure noble gold.

Within these temples we unite.

This is the greatest ReUnion of the Light.

Magdalene Witches, we hold your treasured soul parts for you.

Hidden, dormant, held safe from distortions.

Draw back the red velvet curtains; remove the thorns from your heart.

Revealing your true gold.

Your inner temple


treasured soul.

- Eimear & The Magdalene Witches

Within this 6-month online program chalice container, you will learn how to:

  • Recognise the sacred in everything through ritual, magic and ceremony

  • Infuse your work and life with Magdalene Witch magic

  • Become an open channel and trust in your divine guidance as direct source gnosis

  • Practise the Resurrection mysteries

  • Knows you’re here for a reason that is your soul mission

  • Re-Store, heal and integrate lost soul fragments through our journeys

  • Heal our witch wounds from lifetimes of persecution

  • Be a vessel for the voice of The Magdalene Witch to be expressed and shared once again

  • Welcomes grief, trauma and release

  • Journey to retrieve sacred scripts that you buried eons ago

  • Be a disciple to your own truth

  • Befriend the Elementals once again

  • Walk the Land together on a sacred Pilgrimage of remembrance, healing and homecoming

  • Rebuild our elemental foundations and co-create our new earth

Course Curriculum:

We meet on Thursdays at 3pm UK time for 6 months.

Each spiral contains 2 classes.

Class duration is 90 minutes.

Spiral 1: EARTH ~ New Earth Vision of 5D Tara: From Burnt to Reborn

20 Jul & 3 Aug 2023

  • Journeying to Tara to remember. To retrieve your soul gifts. These gifts are all that you have forgotten and been severed from. These gifts that you need now to support your journey home to source.

  • From burnt to reborn, sacred cow goddess in her many guises, as Hathor and Bóinn, guide us through this spiral

  • Creating your unique vision exactly as you want this journey to unfold for you

  • The Witches Wheel of the seasons of the year. Incorporating the seasons, the elementals and sacred sites where Witch energy is strongest.  This is an example of a map to follow

  • On this program, we wipe the slate clean beginning with a blank wheel for you to populate as your own witches wheel map whilst you live into your journey. This is unique to you to support you every step of the way

Lead like a Magdalene.

Walk like a Witch.

Dance like Diana.

Speak like a Serpent.

This is the Magdalene Witch way.

Spiral 2: WATER ~ Crystalline Womb Cave; Crystal Skulls; Serpent River & The Mer Beings

17 & 31 Aug 2023

  • Crystalline Womb Cave: The place where the veil is thin. The dark womb of the mother. She shines and sparkles with crystalline light. It’s here that we go to plug back into the umbilicus. To refuel. To reconnect with source. The Primal Mother. To receive messages from her.

  • In this place we sing to our hearts desires. To hear our soul song echoed back to us once again.

  • Crystal Skulls: These are The Holy Grail Chalice containers the sacred mystery teachings. Excavate your truth that you buried in the bogs as seeds eons ago

  • Serpent River: Serpent becomes the river becomes the oceanic source. Follow the river home to source. Swim in the crystalline waters of her watery womb. Retrieve your underwater treasures supporting you in rebirthing anew

  • The Mer Beings: Connecting with The Marys. The Mer Beings and their wisdom for these times

Yeshua walked on water. Magdalene walked on FIRE!

Spiral 3: FIRE ~ Symbols as Sigils; Pi Portals; The Round Table and The Golden Magdalene Ratio

14 & 28 Sep 2023

  • Befriending the flames of the fire once again. Working with fire to ignite the divine spark within - Fire – Feel it and Feed it

  • Fire Dragon steps forth as life bringer and the key to activating the symbols and portals

  • The importance of symbols and metaphors as tools that create the very fabric of reality

  • Working with symbols to weave new realities

  • Eimear shares the symbols that she works with symbols including the triple spiral, spiral vortex, Pi Portal and HOW she works with these symbols as sigils

  • Journey to receive your personal embodied symbol(s) to support your leadership journey

  • Pi, Circles & The Golden Magdalene Ratio as portals home to your source truth

  • The Round Table Covenant we made to remember our pure Royal Lineage as Magdalene Witch to resurrect humanity out of 3D density into 5D light, harmony and peace

Spiral 4: AIR ~ Golden Tabernacle & Reclaiming Your Golden Grail Soul Treasures

12 & 26 Oct 2023

  • Learn about the significance and original purpose of The Tabernacle as Magdalenes walked the lands sharing the sacred teachings. The place that houses and protects the Holy Grail

  • You now have the key to unlock the golden Tabernacle to reclaim all that was stolen from you and locked away out of reach….until now. Magdalene Witch leads the way as bread and blood of life

  • Creating, grounding and integrating the Golden Tabernacle within your everyday reality

  • Offering safe passage to stuck souls that are ready to heal back to wholeness, including our own soul fragments.

  • Calling the Lost Souls of Tara home

Spiral 5: ETHER ~ Anointing with The Rose, Thorns & The Emerald Crystalline Heart of Tara

9 & 23 Nov 2023

  • Teachings from The Rose – anointing your third eye to receive the Magdalene visionary Rose Path teachings

  • Removing the THORNS from our bodies.

  • Healing the broken heart of humanity. Infusing heart with emerald crystalline light codes gifted from The Fairy Beings – Tuatha Dé Danann

  • Opening to the pink hearted soft delicate rose petalled path that guides you home to LOVE – to feel, remember and be love now

  • Her love is an indestructible force of protection and Magdalene leadership

Spiral 6: STEP ONTO YOUR THRONE ~ Resurrection Mysteries; Emerald Golden Light Codes & The Golden Grail

7 & 21 Dec 2023

  • The golden grail, the light codes, the chalice, our womb

  • Blood and body mysteries

  • Rebuilding and Creating New Temples

  • Bringing Magdalene to the fore once more

  • Noble Royal Gold Codes. Journey to remember you are of pure royal bloodline before the times of the falls and distortions

  • Magdalene Witch, She rises and leads once again

  • Step onto your throne; reclaim Your Golden Grail Soul Treasures and come home to your divine birth right

  • Retreat into the portal of Winter Solstice - into the dark womb of The Mother to receive the mystery teachings downloads

Bonus Spiral: Lead Like a Magdalene Witch Winter Solstice Celebration!

11 Jan 2024

  • Review your journey

  • Celebrate your Magdalene Witch walk

  • Complete The Witches Wheel as your unique map for your onward journey

  • Magdalene Witch Leadership Keys - Highlight the steps you took on your personal pilgrimage as your unique Magdalene Witch Leadership Keys

  • Leading into the New Year of 2024

What you receive :

  • 12 Live Classes

  • 6 Spirals

  • 1 Bonus Celebration

  • Meeting twice per month on Thursdays at 3pm UK time

  • Live on Zoom

  • Community space on Teachable

  • Lifetime Access to all replays held on Teachable

  • A lasting leadership map to lead like a Magdalene Witch

We shall fully bloom again just like the rose.

We work with the elemental powers. Befriending the flames once again.

Earth - Air - Fire - Water - Ether.

Reclaiming the gnosis. Excavating the truth.

You will not find this in a book. Leading Like a Magdalene Witch is your connection with your embodied intelligence. Drawing that out what wishes to be expressed through you as we express Her into everything.

It’s your divine gnosis. Your soul truth that we connect with.

This 6 month journey will be deeply shamanic, meditative. We meet live. We share, connect, weave and we dare to walk upon the burning embers once again.

Barefoot soles to soil to fire once again igniting the divine spark within. With this knowing we simultaneously step into our new earth.


This is your time to

Lead like a Magdalene Witch and Reclaim Your Golden Grail Soul Treasures.

**Enrolment is closed for this program.**

Her love is an indestructible force.

It’s all and everything we need to live into our new earth.

It’s everything we are when we let go of all the heavy armour.

I show up as Magdalene Witch and my whole world changes around me.

This is the all that I wish to share with you.

I can’t wait to journey with you.

With love,

Eimear Stassin x