The Irish Wisdom School


The Irish Medicine Wheel

9-Week Online Program

with Eimear Stassin as your guide.

Live weekly classes


Tuesdays 3 - 4.30pm BST, UK

3rd September - 29th October 2024


1 bonus celebration ceremony on 5th November 2024

Irish Mythology ~ Sacred Storytelling ~ Oral Lore ~ Shamanic Journeying ~

These indigenous crafts empower us to gather and weave the New Stories into reality.

Watch this video where I share more about the Irish Medicine Wheel program and details:

During this online journey, you are invited to:

  • Walk with Eimear Stassin as your guide around the 9 spirals of the Irish Medicine Wheel

  • Connect with and build your relationship with the 9 deities of the Fir Bolg and the Tuatha Dé Danann, the ancient inhabitants of the island of Éiriú, Ireland - they’re waiting for you now you know!

  • Receive their wisdom unique to you as an individual and also valuable wisdom for our collective awakening

  • Ground this into your physical vessel and into the land

  • Visit 9 sacred sites, each one associated with a deity, to re-member

  • Call your fractured soul parts home, like lost children, they are ready to come home now

  • Feel the different energies of each of the 9 seasons throughout the spiral of the wheel of the year

  • Re-build your elemental foundations supported by the 9 cardinal directions in harmony with the mystical magical landscape of Éiriú

  • Gather in circle once again, soles to soil to remember the truth of who you are and why you’re here now

  • Meet your soul sisters and brothers from around the globe

  • Listen to the voices of your ancestors and the voices of the land to catalyse your journey of transformation

  • Sing your soul song freely, expressively at a whole new resonant frequency

  • Dance upon the lands of in rhythm to her emerald crystalline heartbeat of New Earth

  • And much much more!

Be still in the knowing that everything is here now waiting for you to re-engage with. No thing was ever lost. The eternal wisdom that was whispered into the curves and creases of the land, held within the roots of the trees, tucked away beneath the wings of the jade bird, carved expertly and with precision into the strong bodies of the stones…we knew we would return to retrieve this wisdom when the time was right.

Now is the right time. Now is the hour.

Join us to gather, learn and create with joy upon the lands of Éiriú.

She welcomes you home with outstretched arms.

Through the ancient art of storytelling, your host, Eimear Stassin, founder of The Irish Wisdom School guides you home to wholeness around the sacred Irish Medicine Wheel.

9 Seasons

9 Goddesses

9 Sacred Sites

9 Cardinal Directions

9 weeks

Tar isteach. Come inside!

Step inside the story of your own becoming.

Stories that are alive and aligned for these times.

Enter the Irish Wisdom School.

Walk the Irish Medicine Wheel home to your sacred sovereign truth with Eimear Stassin as your guide.

~ To the place where the emerald crystalline heart merges with animated golden plasmic resonance. The pure white cosmic light returns us home to peace ~

Our Curriculum

Classes are held live on Tuesdays 3 - 4.30pm BST, UK from 3rd September - 29th October 2024

Plus 1 bonus celebration ceremony on 5th November 2024


Spiral 1: 3 Sep 2024. South West ~ Lughnasadh: Receive Earthly Nourishment with Grain Mother Tailltiu

We commemorate Tailltiu, the foster mother of sun god Lugh at the harvest time of Lughnasadh. For she cleared the lands of Ireland so that the people could sustain and nourish themselves. Walk upon her sacred site of Telltown and connect with her wisdom here. Dance, sing and play in her honour at her funeral assembly.


Spiral 2: 10 Sep 2024. West ~ Autumn Equinox: Balancing through Death & Rebirth with Horse Goddess Macha

Return to the Kingdom of Ulster at Emain Mhacha in the north of Ireland. Connect deeply to your ancestral roots. Hear their songs of turmoil aswell as laughter, with Macha sharing her stories of truth now. She is the divine mother. She has returned now to nurture her twins as the sons and daughters of a harmonious Ireland.


Spiral 3: 17 Sep 2024. North West ~ Samhain: Celtic New Year & Creation of the Fire Wheel with Tlachtga

Learn the origin story of the Irish Medicine Wheel with primordial goddess Tlachtga. Her earth spear supports your ascension to ground down your guidance now. Walk with her upon her sacred site of The Hill of Ward in Ireland’s Ancient East. Set your new year intentions and release the old for good.


Spiral 4: 24 Sep 2024. North ~ Winter Solstice: The Dark Womb of Conception with The Cailleach Witch

Are you ready to meet the primordial crone and creator of the Celtic Lands at her sacred site of Loughcrew in Ireland’s Ancient East? Climb The Cailleach’s hill with Eimear as she speaks in the voice of The Cailleach. For she is fiercely loving and speaks with a chilling clarity that will rattle your mortal bones. Connect to the story stone and sit upon her huge stone throne but do not dare to take away any of her cairn stones. The Cailleach is the queen of darkness and guides you over the threshold into the unknown. I ask again, are you ready to meet Her Royal Highness?!


Spiral 5: 1 Oct 2024. North East ~ Imbolg: Gestation & Emerging into the Light with Triple Goddess Brigid

Brigid holds the torch for you. As keeper of the sacred flame, her light burns bright and is your guide out of the darkness of the winter womb. Brigid guides you over the threshold into the new dawn of the new day. As triple goddess of wordcraft, smithcraft and her healing well waters of time, walk with Brigid to her places in Cill Dara, County Kildare, the church of the oak. Allow Her to ignite the spark of action within you for she encourages you to feel your fire within.


Spiral 6: 8 Oct 2024. East ~ Spring Equinox: Balancing with Cosmic & Earth Mother Bóinn

Dear maiden motherly Bóinn. How she loves to dance, swirl and sing upon her sacred mound of Sí an Bhrú, the mansion or womb of Bóinn in the Newgrange complex in Ireland’s Ancient East once again. Newgrange is one of the first sites Eimear re-connected with as an adult. She shares her story here. And so does Bóinn, in her divine union with sun god Dagda, they managed to make the sun stand still in the sky at the time of Winter Solstice. We honour her here at the balancing time of Equinox and She shows us how. Connect to her powerful monuments. Swim in her full river. Call down the new celestial codes from the milky way and from galaxies beyond to ground into the earth now. Her milk nourishes and sustains life from within us all.


Spiral 7: 15 Oct 2024. South East ~ Bealtaine: Know Your Power with Queen Maebh

Queen Maebh welcomes you with her golden chalice of intoxicating elixir at her Rath upon the Hill of Tara. As the Bealtaine queen, she invites you to place all that no longer serves on the Bealtaine fires of early May time so that you may rise into your new kind of powers. Her circular rath holds all in equality and harmony so that you may know your innate powers once again.


Spiral 8: 22 Oct 2024. South ~ Summer Solstice: Shine Your Light with Áine

Ride with Áine upon her red mare to her magical lands of Lough Gur. Stand in the centre of your own circle to shine your unique light into the world. Feel the joy returning as she guides you on a journey of discovery for our global recovers to retrieve your ancient treasures and connect with Tír na nÓg, the land of the forever young where the pure source power lies.


Spiral 9: 29 Oct 2024 ~ The Centre: Return to Your Sacred Sovereign Truth with Éiriú

She dances and spins. Swirls and twirls upon the lands where her temple of Uisneach lies. Éiriú is waiting for you, calling you home to heal back to wholeness.

All paths lead to Her, Éiriú (and not to Rome!). She is the centre of the circle where our full sovereignty lies. She holds the frequencies, codes and keys of all the goddesses, elementals, sacred sites and directions. She invites you to come back to balanced harmony so that peace reigns once again on Her sacred island.


Note: All goddess images hand painted by

BONUS Spiral: 5 November 2024 ~ Fire Ceremony: In Celebration of You and Your Journey around The Irish Medicine Wheel

Celebrate your journey.

Reflect on each of the 9 thresholds that you have crossed by walking the spiral path home to your unique soul source, with the deep rooted support of the island of Ireland and her Goddesses; the stories and the elemental power.


Your Investment

This program is worth the Regular Price of: £333

However, in the spirit of new earth wealth codes and sacred economics, The Irish Wisdom School is offering The Irish Medicine Wheel 9-week live online program on a DONATION BASIS.

Take a moment to sink deeper into presence.

Feel into what amount feels right for you to offer as your energy exchange.

Click on the donation button below to add your offering.

Donate to The Irish Medicine Wheel 9-Week Live Online Program

**Enrolment is now closed.**

Ireland is the Seanachaí

She is the ancient storyteller.

Her soul story is held within Her island.

Cosmic and eternal.

Cradled within the fertile soils of her boglands; held safe within her hills and mountains. Every rocky outcrop of her rugged coastline holds Her story, within the landscape of her very be~ing.

Stones as story keepers. Rivers as wisdom weavers that flow into Her wild oceans to be carried as timeless memories around our earth.

Trees as ancient ancestors that used to walk the land along with the first peoples.

Earth, Air, Fire and Water created Her and are her Elemental foundations. Spirited. Divine. Grounding. Nourishing. Wildly expressive.

Her stories whispered in the breath of her winds that blow through you.

Magical. Delirious. Mystical.

She warms and soothes you as you sit by the fires of remembrance.

She aches for her stories to be told. For her yarns to be regaled. She gifts us these abilities when we would slow down and listen to Her.  To all that she is so generously wanting to share with each of us!

So, what is your story?

What lives within you that is aching to be expressed?

I am excited to connect with the stories of Ireland - our lands with you.

Le grá / with love,

Eimear x