~ Come home to the Celtic lands to the place where everything is provided ~

22 - 25 November, 2024

with your host

Eimear Stassin

in collaboration with

The Aquarian Leaders Collective

Location: Lendrick Lodge | Brig O'turk | Callander | Stirlingshire | Scotland | FK17 8HR

Meet The Aquarian Leaders Collective

The Aquarian Leaders Collective is a unique global collaboration of people who have joined forces to bring our facilitation powers to you.

We hold the gifts of storytelling, healing, psychic tarot readings, sacred oil anointing, psychotherapist space holding, journalling, magic bringer and enchanter.

We are the bridgewalkers guiding you to the leadership ways of New Earth.

We welcome you home to Scotland’s ancient Celtic lands to offer you an immersive activating and healing experience so that you too can dreamweave New Earth into existence.

Share your story.

Join us to become part of the Aquarian Way.

The Aquarian Leaders Collective Facilitators:

Eimear Stassin ~ Sacred Storyteller; Jennifer Christian ~ Healer & Singer; Haley Edminston ~ Herbal Queen; Liam Imison-Harvey ~ Tarot Card Wizard; Caroline McCombie ~ Creator of the Sacred Oils; Laura Clark ~ Enchanting Storyteller; Gabrielle Lamontagne ~ Shadow Work Advisor; Like Van Hulten ~ Sacred Art

Welcome Home!

We dance, we weave a jolly tune.

Of love and home and bliss.

We dance around the wise wise one.

Who weaves our story like this.

Welcome home! You say!

Welcome home!

Ah, a collective Aquarian Way.

To hold and behold.

To be held.

To give and to receive.

Around the fire. Around the wise ones.

We offer ourselves under the quill.

To be written into the history of the awakening of NOW.

This is the place where everything is provided.

Join the Aquarian Leaders Collective this Samhain 2024 to celebrate the Celtic New Year as we descend into the darkest time of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. Letting all that no longer serves fall away whilst creating space for your dreams to unfold in magical, new and beautiful ways.

Come home, come home.

Return to these Celtic lands.

Gather around the sacred fires of remembrance.

Step with us through the portal by walking the bridge home to new earth, together.

Now is your time to call your dreams down and integrate them into reality to co-create the world of your dreams.

Gather in community with fellow soul travellers.

Drum, dance, learn and sing.

Toast marshmallows around the outdoor fire pit.

Commune with the stones, trees and water elementals.

Come alive!

Connect. Share. Learn. Heal. Transform.

Receive the activation from the ancient Celtic lands and hear Her stories once again.  

Samhain 2024 is very powerful portal astrologically with the dark feminine, Lilith opposing Centaur and Shamanic Healer Chiron. Our Sun is at zero degrees Sagittarius and Pluto is at zero degrees Aquarius.

With this cosmic cocktail, there has never been a better time to release the age of Pisces and truly launch the time of Aquarius.

Our Elders and Grandmother/fathers hold the torch for us to guide the way forth to a whole new frequency. As new light codes pour in, step into our retreat space that we are opening to you in order to anchor these codes deep within so that you can know your highest highest highest alignment of your unique soul purpose now.

What is your dream?

What is it that you really want?

What is your deepest desire now?

This is your time to focus your arrow on what you really want.

Become your dream with the support of the Aquarian Leaders Collective.

Step inside the story of your own becoming.

Join us to weave a new story into being.

We welcome you home with outstretched arms.

 Retreat Program & Timings:

Arrival time: Friday 22 November from 5pm | Departure time: Monday 25 November at 2pm

In the spirit of the pioneering Aquarian Leadership Way that is being birthed, our program is fluid within the structure of meal times at Lendrick Lodge. Over the course of the weekend, we will engage in activities, teachings and activations that will take place both indoors and outdoors.

These are some of the topics and activities that we will be engaging in together:

  • Sacred Storytelling

  • Healing Herbs

  • Anointing with Sacred Oils

  • Oracle Readings

  • Group Trance Channeling

  • Sacred Art

  • Circle Singing

  • Shared Alchemy of Wealth

  • Aquarian Collective Co-Creation

  • Divination & Magic

  • Movement & Dance

  • Outdoor Fire Ceremony & Toasting Marshmallows

  • Cacao Ceremony

  • Hiking Lendrick Hill

  • Free time

  • Communing with the standing stones as story keepers

  • Intention setting with Yew Tree


2024 is the year of the Dragon. Yellow Dragon has returned to support this retreat in weaving and co-creating the magic and medicine that is exactly what we need.

Come join us!

Your Investment:

Regular Price: from £777

Early Bird Price: from £555

**Early bird price is available until 11:59pm UK time on 30 September 2024**


Price includes the retreat teachings & all activities, all meals and 3 nights accommodation.

All meals are vegetarian and are freshly cooked by the resident chef.

Lendrick Lodge caters for most dietary requirements.

See pricing and room options below:

Instalment plans are available upon request. Email eimear@stassin.co.uk

Read the AMAZING Testimonials from the October 2023 Retreat at Lendrick Lodge:


"Highlights: The stunning & very powerful location. The facilitators & creators who had clearly been working & weaving this for a long time so it was inspirational & a privilege to be a part of! The spontaneity & inclusivity.

I loved the journeying, storytelling, and openness from the facilitators. The encouragement to share & bring everyone in as a soul family & foster really deep trust & connections. This made for a very special & sacred safe space enabling great learning, sharing, warmth, camaraderie & healing. Being part of everyone's healing journey towards the end was just beautiful & very empowering.

Wow! I tear up each time I think back to our amazing shared experiences together. I have already shared a lot of my thoughts & feelings on how incredibly grateful I am to you for absolutely everything but just to summarise-:
To me you are a visionary, a leader, a powerful & inspirational storyteller, a mother, an Irish goddess warrior & witch of the earth & fire! You have great insight, wisdom & strength that resonates so deeply yet you are beautifully humble, open, candid, vulnerable & modest about your divine abilities & gifts.

You do not seek the limelight, glory or accolades. You have a deep truth in your heart that is leading the way & attracting many loyal believers & this is merely the beginning for an entire spiritual transformation as a result of your awakening & desire to speak your truth & resonate deeply with those who will walk beside you on this path in true faith, trust, honour & gratitude. 

Thank you so much! I can't wait for part 2!" - Liam Imison-Harvey

"EVERY moment was WOW! Seriously. Mind blowing WOW! All of it!

Eimear, your heart. I am blown away by your heart. And, I am so grateful for your humility... your Magic inspires people to take risks on themselves and step forward in trust. Your sense of humor creates a conduit to be kinder with ourselves and lighten our burdens.

Your storytelling weaves dreams into reality right in front of our very eyes!

Oh my goodness! Thank you for your tender Spirit and Presence. I honor you and the way you are inspiring all of us to laugh and dream with you." - Jennifer C

"There was such a sense of acceptance and freedom. Loved the fun and laughter. It was so infectious.

Everything was compact, the kitchen, the bedrooms, the meeting area. This gave a cosy welcoming energy to retreat. The love and respect between participants. The way you allowed the flow to change as it needed too. Everyone was encouraged to participate in whatever way the energy moved them.

Eimear, what to say about you, dear one! Your warmth, love, sense of fun and total Professionalism all rolled up in a witch with a huge smile and even bigger heart.

You are the central wheel that had an idea and made it happen. I'm eternally grateful. It was why I was meant to travel all the way from Australia to experience magic - your magic." - Suzanne Dainer

"Given the experience of the weekend - it’s impossible to be anything but in awe of it!

Eimear, your graciousness, ease and warmth set the tone and temperament for the entire experience - and that was important as we each rode the rollercoaster of our own experience. You are a generous leader and your steadying presence was important through all the work that was undertaken. I was blown away with what I received.

The schedule was good - with enough time for rest and breaks, and to enjoy breakfast. The balance of opportunity for each to speak so that we all got a sense of who each other is, was really good. Each had time, no one dominated.

I have not attended anything like this before...your event was grounded, possible to step into for me - and in a most compelling place! I think it was an off the charts success - and thank you for it!" - JB

"I liked the fact that we all participated, I felt each of us brought his or her gift and it was shared in service to the healing of all of us.

For me to see my book come alive as a play, and realizing my work was so well received was a Wow moment. The bowls, the singing, the oils, the drumming and our presence, all together made it a powerful experience.

Just say how grateful I am that Eimear hosted this retreat and made us all feel welcome and valuable. I never felt there were "teachers" and "students". We were all powerful witches.

How I wish I could participate in many more of these retreats..." - LC

"Awesome, epic, life transforming, unforgettable!" - Hayley E

Do you:

  • Yearn for sacred circles of healing, fun and magic with soul sisters and brothers?

  • Seek a space that feels safe to share all that is alive for you from your heart and soul?

  • Hold your dreams close and want a sacred space where you can express them without being judged?

  • Wish to connect to sacred Celtic lands of Scotland to receive your unique messages?

  • Wonder why you’re here at this time?

  • Yearn to sing out your voice with gusto and full expression?

  • Fear speaking out, feel stuck or blocked?

  • Know you’re part of the creation of the new earth but don’t know where to take the next step?

Then this immersive retreat experience is for YOU!

Goddess Pool

By attending this retreat, you can expect to receive:

  • A huge heart opening of love, healing and divine downloads direct from source

  • Channeled teachings, activities and experiences from The Aquarian Leaders Collective

  • An awakening of the ancient Celtic memories within you

  • Sister and brotherhood to support your journey during and after the retreat

  • An opening to your creative source as the magical creator being that you are

  • Knowledge of how to walk the Celtic Medicine Wheel home to your true divine sovereign power

  • Soul songs, community, connection, fun

  • …and lots lots more!

Optional free activities:

  • Swim in the very fresh river water goddess pool that flows straight from the sacred mountains

  • Hike up Lendrick Hill which is a steep climb to the top with magnificent views of The Trossachs hills; Loch Venachar, Loch Achray and beyond ~ the hill is accessible directly from Lendrick Lodge

  • Star gaze as the darkness of the night falls and connect with your star ancestors and celestial beings

  • Anchor in your prayers at the Buddhist shrine as you wander the land surrounding Lendrick Lodge

  • Sit awhile with your back to a standing stone to listen to and write their story

Lendrick Lodge Accommodation is warm, cosy and inviting.

During your stay, you have access to the spacious lounge area (with open fire), the dining room, a cafe area with complimentary teas, coffees aswell as tasty snacks for purchase. The bedrooms are bright and comfortable.

The Backstory: The Call of the Sacred Standing Stone Circle

Who are The Aquarian Leaders Collective?

In March 2024, members of the Aquarian Leaders Collective were gifted a dream from the magical etheric realms in the Scottish Highlands.

They experienced the Sacred Standing Stone Circle at Lendrick Lodge.


The Forth River, that flows deep from within the brave heart of Scotland.


The ancient enchanted Trossachs Forest calling.


The Spirits of the Land.


Emitting a frequency to those of a matching frequency. A soul family. Reuniting. Back together again after eons apart. We heard the call. This retreat is our response.

Back in January 2023, a member of our collective, Eimear Stassin, heard the call of the Sacred Standing Stone Circle when the spirit of the land came out to dance with her.  The river, the elementals and the Grandmother Trees in the Forest beckoned her closer. She could not shake the persistence of this call. With a courageous heart, she stepped out of her comfort zone, to let herself be seen in such a vulnerable way.

With heartfelt courage, Eimear heeded the call to gather a community on the sacred grounds of Lendrick Lodge. 

And, when the people gathered, Eimear was guided to tear up the structured training plan and opened to channel guidance from Divine Presence and Magic lost long ago. This enabled the land; the stones and the elementals to speak through each person gathered to offer healing, inspiration and activation in prescribed doses exactly as needed.

Ancient medicine for these times.

In October 2023, those who answered Eimear’s invitation received a weekend unlike any other. People opened themselves to Divine Healing and Initiation. Grieving together, singing together, channeling together, laughing together, crying together, eating together and chatting together. Many barely slept since the energies were so powerful within that Samhain portal. They were unlike anything any had ever experienced.

The water elementals responded to wash away all that was being let go to release into the rivers and transmuted by the land.

The Wise Medicine Women of Old opened a portal and entrusted us with the Sacred Medicine that had been lost to the aeons.

They told us:

“You have honored our pain and our suffering.

We did not suffer for you to live a life full of suffering.

Honor us now and live this Divine Magic all over the world.

Live your joy.

Come ALIVE!”

And then the unexpected happened. That weekend at Lendrick was just the beginning. The group that had gathered on that October weekend in 2023 continued to dream together, learn together, create together, walk the sacred sites together, share their sadness, joys, and triumphs.


They were remembering the power of togetherness and feeling their combined energies becoming a force for great transformation.

The Sacred Standing Stones at Lendrick birthed a Soul Family. Although we span several continents, we are constant companions in the etheric realm. Moreover, a number of us have dedicated ourselves to heed the call of the Standing Stones once again and return to Lendrick in November 2024 to co-create and birth a new generation of this beautiful Soul Family.


And that is how The Aquarian Leaders Collective was born!

View from Lendrick Hill

The Sacred Standing Stone Circle Is Calling.

If you feel the pull of this frequency, it is not your imagination. The Sacred Circle of Standing Stones are calling once again. We will partner together with Gaia to Co-Create a New Golden Age together. We will throw out the outdated “playbook” and open ourselves to channel Divine Presence and the Magic of the Wise Medicine Men, Women and Elders that is now flowing with Abundance through each and every one of us right Now.

We will share the wisdom we have learned and will joyously receive the wisdom you have to contribute.

We are very excited to share our sacred stories, crafts and gifts, as we welcome you home to the ancient lands of Lendrick, Scotland.

The Aquarian Leaders Collective

Watch this video created on the sacred land of Lendrick Lodge.

The sacred stones of Lendrick are calling.

~ Calling all souls to gather together to remember once again ~

To sing our sacred songs.

To hum our healing tunes.

To dance the dance of remembrance.

To howl fearlessly at the moon!


To heal our tender hearts

To witness ancient wounds

To weave ourselves back whole again

and remember our divine truths.


That we are pure royal beings.

We carry ancient codes.

Each one of us is a key

To access new earth consciousness.

These codes are waiting for re-activation in order to be released into collective consciousness now. 

The stones hold the wisdom

(and so do you!)

They know The Truth.

They are the ancient storykeepers.

They stand now, waiting for you.


This ancient Celtic land.

This place of the Wise Ones & Druids.

This sacred space in Scotland,

Is calling out to you.


Come join us to realise your crystalline gold.

Come join us to reclaim your throne.

Come join us to reconnect to soul friends.

Come join us to weave yourself anew.

-The Aquarian Leaders Collective