8 Faces of Cailleach: 8 Faces of Witch

~ 4 Month Online Program to Activate the Cailleach Witch Codes Within & live out the Cailleach’s Craft ~

14th July - 20th October 2022

The ancient and mighty Cailleach Witch is the creator of the Celtic Lands.

Her namesake has many faces rooted in the old lore and stories of Ireland; held within her places on the land.

The Irish language is a colourful and descriptive tongue. An Teanga / the language, is poetic, melodic and gifts clues to the ancient wisdom wrapped up in each and every turn of phrase.

The Cailleach and Her ancient tongue are pointing us to the old ways.



the 8 Faces of Cailleach: 8 Faces of Witch Program

dives deep into the gnosis of the Irish language

with a particular focus on the Irish variations and meanings




W I T C H.

Watch this YouTube live.

From timestamp 32:20 mins in, I speak about the 8 Faces of Cailleach: 8 Faces of Witch Program.

This is followed by a meditation journey to a sacred site in Ireland to receive the potent energies at this time.

Eimear x

The Cailleach commands that we learn the true meanings of W I T C H

thus bringing healing to W I T C H across all timelines.

Returning to the times before it became distorted and abhorred.

Before it became a crime to practise the ancient crafts of the witches.

To the times before the burnings…

The Cailleach Witch steps forth to awaken the ancient codes within your bones and cells.

These are the Cailleach Codes, that we must remember and practise for these times.

This is the Cailleach’s Craft!

And now, I’ve returned to my throne, upon my Old Hags Chair at Loughcrew.
I call on you today to be fierce;
I call on you to strip away your lies
I call on you to return to your centre of balanced power.
Witches! Rise Up. Return to Your Power.
Witches! Rise Up. Now is the Hour.
Witches! Rise Up. Step Up to Your Throne.
Witches Rise Up. It’s time to Come Home.
— An excerpt from The Cailleach Poem by Eimear Stassin

Meet your program guide and creator, Eimear Stassin.

Since Eimear’s “witch awakening” on the Lion’s Gate 2020, Eimear continues to deepen her relationship with the many faces of W I T C H, sharing her teachings and insights all along the way.

Fast forward to April 2022 when Eimear visited The Cailleach’s place at Loughcrew, Meath, Ireland. This awakened a deeper reverence for The Cailleach, her ancient codes and energies. Walking on Her Lands, touching Her stones, hearing her whispers in the wind, like an ancient primordial calling home. It was so very powerful and magical. Sitting on her surprisingly comfortable stone throne reminded Eimear of her deep power within.

Eimear has a deep respect for her Irish lineage. Her soul mission is to bring forth these teachings from the perspective of her native lands.

The Cailleach witch’s call is catalytic, urgent and needed for these times. This is why Eimear is sharing this with you now.

Eimear is from Dublin Ireland and lives in Central Scotland with her husband, 3 children and border collie pup.

You cringe at the word witch or feel triggered by the word. Yet you know there is a wise one within you that wishes to be set free.

You feel disconnected from ancient ways and traditions of your lineage and feel the tug of the Cailleach Witch, calling you home to your roots.

You yearn for community where you can speak from your place of soul truth, to all faces and aspects of witch.

You hold witch woundings across lifetimes, with visions and knowing of being killed for practising the crafts of the witches.

You are ready to turn towards these and heal from the inside out.

If you answer Yes! to any of these statements, then this program is for YOU!

The intentions of the 8 Faces of Cailleach: 8 Faces of Witch online program are to:

  • Revive the old Irish stories of The Cailleach Witch, shared through Eimear’s voice so that the memories are activated within you

  • Teach the Irish words for witch in order to continue to breathe life on the native Irish language

  • De-stigmatise the word witch by deepening and broadening your understanding of Irish through these teachings

  • Support you to rise up; return to your power

  • Empower you to step onto your throne reclaiming all aspects of who you are

  • Heal any woundings that is held individually and collectively in relation to the word witch and the ancient craft

  • Activate the necessary healing, supported by this circle

  • Inspire soulful practises to anchor and embody your learning home

  • Awaken the Cailleach Codes within you in order to shine the light on the original crafts that can arise from their places of hiding now

  • Create a sacred space for The Cailleach Witch to speak, share and teach through Eimear Stassin around the ancient bonfire

  • Open to the depth and breath of the witch wisdom that resides within you to incorporate into your life and work

~ Your Investment ~

There are 3 Payment Options for this program:

Place your hand on your heart and choose your payment option that most resonates.

Enrolment is open until 14th July 2022 and we begin on 14th July.

~ Class Structure ~

Each live class will follow a similar structure combining teachings, storytelling, meditation and sharing:

  • 8 faces of The Cailleach as gaeilge / in Irish, rooted in the indigenous Irish tongue

  • 1 Bonus Celebration of everything W I T C H around Samhain Bonfires

  • Spoken stories associated with each face of The Cailleach

  • Drawing out The Cailleach’s symbols and metaphors of Her stories as anchors for you to focus your attention

  • Identifying the location on the land of Éiriú / Éire / Ireland where The Cailleach energies strong

  • Guided Shamanic Journey to integrate and embody these teachings

  • Sacred sharing / Q&A 

This program evokes a deep soul homecoming that invites you and your lineage home to heal back to wholeness.

Remember The Witches.
Sing with us now.
Remember our soul song that wants to be sung.
​Remember The Witches as the wise ones we are.
— An excerpt from Channeled Messages from The Witches by Eimear Stassin

~ Curriculum Overview ~

Time: 5pm BST | 6pm CEST | 9am PDT | 12noon EST

Class Duration: 90 minutes

Thursday 14th July 2022 – 20th October 2022

Full replays are provided

Spiral 1: 14th Jul 2022 An Chailleach – The Cailleach - Witch - Veiled One

Spiral 1 begins with an overview of the wheel of her 8 faces as Chief Witch / High Witch of Éire. Eimear shares HerStory at Her 6,000 year old monument at Loughcrew in Ireland’s Ancient East. HerStory is traces the symbol of the triple spiral of birth, death and rebirth.

Spiral 2: 28th Jul 2022 Cailleach Bhéara - Witch of Beara

There are many stories of the Cailleach and the Beara Peninsula that straddles the counties of Cork and Kerry, South Ireland. In spiral 2, Eimear shares the stone throwing adventures of The Cailleach and how this unfolded throughout the lore. She takes you to her Soul Homes of Cork and Kerry to activate the ancient stories held within the stones as story keepers.

Spiral 3: 11th Aug 2022 Cailleach Dhubh - Nun - Black Witch

There was a time when Nuns / Priestesses / Witches were honoured and revered as the wise ones that they are. A time when it was safe to openly practise the craft. The woundings that followed still lie deep within the cells of the collective. Spiral 3 dives into the story and archetype of the Black Witch, drawing out the healing, learnings and lessons to integrate in your life.

Spiral 4: 25th Aug 2022 Cailleach Phiseogach - Sorcerer - Ghostly Witch

Witches have been called many names across HisStory. Stories told that evoke fear, terror and shame. This spiral sets out to rewrite these stories so that the Seer, the Sorcerer parts of self can rise up once again. Eimear shares a ghost story to inspire and heal.

Spiral 5: 8th Sep 2022 Cailleach Feasa - Wise Witch

When witches sat at the round table with the wizards, true equality reigned across the lands. The Cailleach Feasa as the Wise Witch, were consulted before any action was taken within the communities. The Cailleach Feasa knew the healing practises that were passed down through the generations. In this spiral, Eimear shares stories of the Wise Witch, opening to the messages that The Cailleach Feasa wishes to share.

Spiral 6: 22nd Sep 2022 Cailleach Oíche - Owl - Witch of the night

In this spiral, we explore the relationship between the Witch of the night and owl. How they once communed. Owl has messages to share as the seer in the night.

Spiral 7: 6th Oct 2022 Bean Sídhe - Woman of the Fairies - Wailing Woman

The fairies went underground to hide in the mounds, hills and valleys of Ireland. We must respect the fairies and their gnosis as healing beings. In this spiral Eimear shares stories of the Fairies and the Wailing Witch Women. The lost tradition of Wailing as a ritual to move the emotion of grief.

Spiral 8: 20th Oct 2022 Síle-na-Gig - Sheela na Gig - Divine Hag

Why were Síle-na-Gig’s placed at the entrances to churches? In this spiral we learn about the sacred portal of the Divine Hag as Síle-na-Gig. Womb Witches and medicine women understood that all creations birth from the womb of life, the darkness. Inviting womb healing to restore the severance that took place over the millennia.

**Plus a very special

Bonus Spiral

to celebrate


around Samhain bonfires to continue to integrate and live from this place of new witch wisdom.**

Names names they call me.
Old Hag; Witch; Crone; Wailing BeanShee. Bone Mother.
I am all of these and so much more,
Despite the distortion of the lore.
I am the sacred air that breathes you; the land that births you.
I speak to you in the hills and valleys; I taunt you in the mountains and rocks.
I am rooted in the landscape of your own becoming.
I am your Mother dear child.
I hear your battle cries; your worries and your lies.
I am here to lay out the truth,
of a power that cannot be rebuked…
— An excerpt from The Cailleach Poem by Eimear Stassin

When you purchase this program, you receive:

~ 8 Live 90 minute Classes held on zoom

~ 1 Bonus Celebration of everything W I T C H around Samhain Bonfires

~ Downloadable video and audio files after each class to return to time and time again, because this work goes deep

~ Access to Sacred Sovereign Truth Academy on Teachable to comment and connect with all attendees

~ Lifetime Access to all your class material is held on Teachable

~ Supportive sacred space held by Eimear, your host, along with our global community

~ Inspiration, support, witnessing, fun, magic, deep remembering….and much much more!

Praise for Previous Online Events:

“The key highlights were listening to Eimear’s storytelling and poems and meeting the other fabulous 'witches' willing to share their story. The retreat was fabulous. It has made me realise that there are other 'like minded' people out there ready to connect collectively with love, support and encouragement. I loved the storytelling and poems that Eimear offered as it opened up something creative.”

- Lesley I, UK

~ Your Investment ~

There are 3 Payment Options for this program:

Place your hand on your heart and choose your payment option that most resonates.

Enrolment is open until 13th July 2022 and we begin on 14th July.

Eimear Stassin sitting on The Hags Chair - The Cailleach’s Throne, 6,000 years old, at Loughcrew in Ireland’s Ancient East

Witches! Rise Up. Return to Your Power.
Witches! Rise Up. Now is the Hour.
Witches! Rise Up. Step Up to Your Throne.
Witches Rise Up. It’s time to Come Home.
— Witches Rise Up Mantra by Eimear Stassin

Praise for Previous Online Events:

I got to meet other women who identified with being a witch and I saw their goodness. It helped me to overcome and release the fears and lies steeped in the word itself. It has honestly helped me to hide less, especially around [family]. I figure I have the right to do what I do…there is definitely less hiding.”

- Maura P, USA

Photos taken by Eimear Stassin at Cairn T at Loughcrew in Ireland’s Ancient East.