I woke to the sight of Brigid standing before me. I sat up with a start, asking her why was she there.

She didn’t reply, but held her steady gaze upon me.

That gaze was as still as the flame she was holding.

It was the eve of Brigid’s Day. Her day. Marking the turning of the seasons from Winter Solstice into Imbolg. The changing of the goddesses from Cailleach to Brigid.

“You’re early”, I said.

Still, she didn’t reply.

That flame she was cradling appeared to get bigger. Expanding in the palm of her hands. Mesmerising my awakening eyes.

“I don’t know if I’m ready for the glow of your fire”, I said. “I like the darkness you see. Can I stay here a bit longer, in this warm winter womb, in this place of relative safety?”

With that, she sparked to life. Her flame now surrounding her. She was silhouetted in the brightest of light.

She took a step towards me and she began to recite:

“I have held this flame for eons for you. Since time began. This flame is an ancient being of pure elemental fire. I stand before you today to remind you of this flame. It is a flame of remembrance.”

- Brigid's Flame: Awakening the Spirit of the Celtic Lands Within You ~ An excerpt from The Little Book of Brigid

Find out more below about this series of Brigid sacred transmissions.

Brigid by Margaret McKenna www.celticmyths.ie

The Little Book of Brigid

~ Sacred Transmissions ~

Prayers, poetry, stories and incantations to ignite Brigid’s Flame of remembrance within you.

Available to purchase by donation.

Find out more by clicking here.

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The Sacred Story of The Cailleach Witch

Journey to meet the Cailleach Witch at her home of Loughcrew in Ireland’s Ancient East

Enter your details below to receive this unique sacred storytelling journey recorded live by Eimear Stassin standing firmly in the energies of The Cailleach Witch, creator of the Celtic Lands.

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Eimear you have been a beautiful beacon of magic to me over this journey. I really can’t stress enough how much this journey with you has meant to me. Your authenticity, beautiful heart and innate wisdom have been such a gift on this journey. You have a natural ability to welcome all into the circle and know exactly what is needed to hold a safe space.

The witches have a strong connection through you and they really have found a flaming beacon of light through which to shine✨
— Michelle Wilson

Eimear as Seanachaí / Sacred Storyteller

My mission is to support you in activating the remembrance within your soul and helping to awaken your cellular wisdom through sacred storytelling, weaving and speaking ancient truth.

My vision is the co-creation of New Earth alongside the collapsing of hierarchy into the circle, healing through community and diversity, sharing stories and having fun!

Eimear is a Seanachaí / an Irish sacred storyteller. A spoken word orator, the likes of which we have not seen in a long time! Through her evolving work, she carries on the traditions of both her matrilineal and patrilineal Irish lineages as story weaver, poet and crafter of the true lore.

With her hypnotic voice, her words cast healing spells infused with elemental Irish gold. Her sacred stories are activated and animated through her own healing journey. She speaks and teaches now for these times in order to activate and animate you to remember who you truly are and why you are here on earth now. She guides you on your healing journey home. Her mission is to walk the sacred lands to which she feels called; to activate the true stories rooted in the landscape and equally as important, to share these stories. She invites people to journey deep into their inner landscape to remember the story of their precious soul.

Eimear has integrated her Wise One / Witch, having experienced a spontaneous witch awakening on 8:8:2020, the powerful Lion’s Gate portal, whilst going on tour with her family of The Edinburgh Dungeons in Scotland. Eimear’s creative channels burst open. She inhabited her word witch archetype after being firmly plonked onto the witches’ path. Something she did not see coming, however she now knows that it was the witches whispering to her all along, calling her to step out of her corporate cocoon. This awakening was always ordained to happen.

It’s an awakening journey that brought her closer to her ancient witch heritage. In healing her witch wounds from many past life persecutions, she began activating her witch gifts, including amplifying her true voice. She also began educating herself about those harmed and killed in the name of witch, particularly in 16th and 17th Century Scotland where she now lives. Ultimately this witch awakening brought her home to her indigenous Irish roots and to step onto the Celtic Medicine Wheel, which Eimear calls The Witches Wheel, as well as bringing healing to that trigger word – witch.

Brú na Bóinne / Newgrange Decorated Kerbstone July 2022

Brú na Bóinne / Newgrange Decorated Kerbstone July 2022, Ireland’s Ancient East.

Eimear is currently going through another awakening which is opening her creative channels to deeper and vaster possibilities of light and darkness both divine and distorted. Although she has worked with Irish mythology and has nurtured relationships with the Irish and Scottish Witches of these lands as portals, as ways in to truth, now her journey requires her to step beyond this mythological lore of Ireland.

She recognises that an intention of what has been written down is to maintain a certain narrative. This is another form of mythological propaganda. Eimear views this as problematic to truth seekers because it blocks us from the true stories that now must be revealed and shared. As a result, the wise ones continue to challenge her to grow, evolve, let go and deepen into divine truth. To step into the void, again, to be taken to the darkness to know herself once again so that divine justice reigns again.

Eimear supports people to lift the veils of deception; to step off the wheel of familiarity in order to let go and return to the true, pure art of indigenous oral lore so that their soul shines. A shining soul will freely speak truth through our human form.

Her mission is to heal the rift that keeps humanity separated from each other and from our inner truth. To heal the trauma out with and within in order to access divine truth. She supports the ascension of humanity into and back home to new earth. She holds the torch for divine peace, equilibrium and harmony to reign as our ancient gifts come back online.

She leads the way for you to come home as alchemical witch and as a voice for Ireland / Éiriú.

Eimear is from Dublin, Ireland and lives in Falkirk, Scotland with her husband, 3 children and Border Collie Riley.

You are The Way.

Eimear x

Read Eimear’s article in TrainingZone Magazine here called:

One woman's journey into the world of freelance training

“If you face a career crisis at the moment, take heart and know that you are not alone. In this article, Eimear Stassin shares her experiences from her voyage into the world of freelance training and her recommendations for those considering pursuing a similar path.”